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Friday, May 2, 2014

BIO-TIC roadmaps are now public!

BIO-TIC is proud to announce the public launch of three “bio-Roadmaps” focusing on the market potential, R&D priorities and non-technological hurdles of IB innovation in Europe. The BIO-TIC roadmaps formulate action plans on how the various stakeholders can work together to overcome the major current and future issues that hamper the huge potential that IB for Europe to be realized. The current version (April 2014) is the second draft of the roadmaps. The final roadmaps, which will be available in July 2015, will show the relationship between potential market developments, R&D needs, regulatory and non-technological aspects impacting on IB innovation.

The BIO-TIC roadmapping process could not be realised without your engagement. Therefore, BIO-TIC project consortium invites stakeholders to send their comments and contributions by end of August 2014 to 

All BIO-TIC roadmaps can be downloaded via the web portal

For more information about BIO-TIC project visit:

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