The A4BLUE consortium is glad to announce the release of the 2nd project newsletter!
This issues is focused on the results achieved during the first year of project activities. Partners worked hard to perform the activities planned and achieve the expected results.
The main results are listed below:
- The definition of the four use case scenarios, and the corresponding user and high-level requirements, that will be carried out.
- The definition of the Reference Architecture for the A4BLUE Platform paving the way to further implementation activities and the validation of the technical solution in the four identified business cases.
- The initial definition of a methodology for socio-economically sustainable design of optimal automation levels in assembly systems.
- Stakeholders analysis, standardisation landscape, market analysis, and initial exploitation plan.
Moreover, all partners participated in the dissemination and communication activities, promoting the A4BLUE project in several international events and exhibitions, raising interest among key stakeholders.
Read the newsletter for more details! You can download it from this link: http://a4blue.eu/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2016/10/A4BLUE-Newsletter-n2.pdf.
A4BLUE, funded in the frame of Horizon 2020 TOPIC FOF-04-2016, proposes the development and evaluation of a new generation of sustainable, adaptive workplaces dealing with evolving requirements of manufacturing processes and human variability. Learn more about the project visiting this link: http://a4blue.eu/.