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Monday, November 21, 2022


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BIOBESTicide joined ECOMONDO, the benchmark event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation in the field of green and circular economy, which took place in Rimini (Italy) from 8th to 11th November 2022.

CiaoTech - PNO Group, the partner responsible of the Exploitation and Dissemination activities of the project, presented to stakeholder and key players of the Agri-Food and Bioeconomy fields BIOBESTicide with an oral presentation held in the framework of the session “Waste as Resources: innovative technologies for recycling and recovery“, where Patrizia Circelli explained how the work related to the stakeholders and market analysis performed by CiaoTech will help the market positioning of the effective and cost efficient biopesticide developed in the frame of Biobesticide.

BIOBESTicide was also displayed in the CiaoTech – PNO Group hub of projects, where the CiaoTech Team provided more details on this BBI JU funded project.

Discover more about BIOBESTicide visiting its website, and contact us to learn how CiaoTech can support you in your R&D projects! 
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