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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Ciaotech is going to participate at the EU project GREENPEG industry workshop

The GREENEPEG industrial workshop, which will be held at Porto University, Portugal, on the 19th of March 2024, will bring together relevant stakeholders at industry level and representatives of neighboring EU projects to explore and discuss the latest achievements made towards the demonstration  of innovative, competitive toolsets for the exploration of buried LCT and NYF pegmatites, including three new instrumental techniques and devices: piezoelectric sensor, helicopter-complementary nose stinger magnetometer, drone-borne hyperspectral imaging system, and two new datasets for prospect scale (<50 km²) and district scale (50-500 km²) exploration.

The workshop will also serve to create synergies with the Horizon Europe funded project DINAMINE. Ciaotech is the ‘Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation’ WP Leader of the DINAMINE project, which aims at developing and showcasing how innovative solutions and digital technologies, such as robots, artificial intelligence, and automation, can make small and medium-sized mines more efficient and sustainable. Within the period 2022-2026 DINAMINE will develop an innovative and holistic mine management system that aims to change and modernize the industry.

Don't miss out – check out the event agenda now!

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