Eight European H2020 transport projects have connected to cooperate on boosting the uptake of innovative solutions to reduce the CO2 emissions, improve efficiency, and address the global challenges that the transport and mobility sector is facing. Through this cooperation a Task Force on Advancing Innovation Market Advance in Transport has been launched and as a result the activities of the projects ENTRANCE, BOOSTLOG, FastTrack, Assured UAM, PLATINA3, LASTING, RECIPROCITY, and FUTURE-HORIZON, will be aligned to take advantages of the synergies and complementarities of each of the initiatives to confront the main barriers that have been detected for implementation of innovation in transport, including,
- Mismatching of demand and supply. The innovative solution providers may not have direct access to the potential users and specific matchmaking services between innovation suppliers and buyers are needed.
- Lack of funding for implementation and de-risking of implementation of innovative solutions. The high investments needed for implementing innovative solutions implies high risks and the task force will therefore cooperate to advocate for funding advice and financial support, connect innovation suppliers/buyers with investors and identify the barriers and develop de-risking tools and services.
- Inability to measure impact of innovation. Innovation implies first-of-this kind solutions by which there is not yet any evidence-based impacts. This leads to resistance to implementation on behalf of the decision makers and investors, being either public or private, and the sharing of best practices may prove effective to change this mindset.
- Limited technical knowledge to provide support to implementation of innovation. Capacity building and the development of guidance is needed to provide the necessary skill sets.
Stay tuned for more news on the activities of this task force