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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

H2020 DIGITbrain: Digital twins for bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs

The Spanish team of PNO coordinates a new European initiative to provide digital twins for bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of Digital Innovation Hubs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service.

The DIGITbrain project aims to enable customised industrial products and to facilitate cost-effective distributed and localised production for manufacturing SMEs. This will be done by recording the provenance and boosting the cognition of the industrial product over its full lifecycle and empowering the network of Digital Innovation Hubs to implement the smart business model “Manufacturing as a Service”. 

The manufacturing industry is in constant evolution and this causes an increasing pressure that the manufacturing industry needs to master in the most efficient and innovative way possible. Especially manufacturing SMEs are challenged by the constant changes, because of the limited resources and the difficulty in accessing digital technologies and advanced manufacturing hardware tailored to their needs.

PNO will coordinate this project that involves 36 European partners and that will be launched in July 2020. Through this project two Open Calls for manufacturing SMEs will be launched for application experiments to validate the use of the Digital Twins of the project. DIGITbrain will thereby engage with manufacturing end users and technology providers to define innovative use cases that will benefit from the Digital Brain concept, strengthen the competitiveness of the experiment partners, and ease the experimentation with advanced digital and manufacturing technologies.

Stay attentive to more news as of July 2020!

For more information contact: Antonio M. Ortiz -

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