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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

H2020 PLANET: Progress towards federated logistics through the integration of TEN-T into a global trade network

PNO Spain participates in a new transport project that addresses the challenges of assessing the impact of emerging global trade corridors on the TEN-T network and ensuring effective integration of the European to the Global Network.

PLANET, that will initiate in June 2020, will focus on two key R&D pillars: 

  • A Geo-economics approach, modelling and specifying the dynamics of new trade routes and its impacts on logistics infrastructure & operations, with specific reference to TEN-T, including peripheral regions and landlocked developing countries;
  • An EU-Global network enablement through disruptive concepts and technologies (IoT, Blockchain and PI, 5G, 3D printing, autonomous vehicles / automation, hyperloop) which can shape its future and address its shortcomings, aligned to the DTLF concept of a federated network of T&L platforms.

The project employs 3 real world corridor Living Labs including sea and rail for intercontinental connection and provides the experimentation environment for designing and exploiting future Physical Internet oriented Integrated Green EU-Global T&L Networks (EGTNs). To facilitate this process, PLANET will deliver a Symbiotic Digital Clone for EGTNs, as an open collaborative planning tool for TEN-T Corridor participants, infrastructure planners, and industry/ technology strategists.

For more information contact: Jeanett Bolther -

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