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Friday, May 18, 2018


The bioeconomy is booming, filled with hope and full of opportunities for the future. Those are some of the conclusions that can be drawn from the successful BIOKET event, organised by the IAR, the French Bioeconomy Cluster and sponsored by PNO Consultants. For three days, Strasbourg became the hub of the European bioeconomy scene, featuring such giants as Philippe Mengal, Anne Wagner and Yvon Le Henaff.

In case you could not make it to BIOKET, we prepared interviews with the key industry leaders for you.

In this interview, Philippe Mengal shares his vision on the state of bioeconomy 

Ena Cratsenburg from Ginkgo Bioworks, Inc. shared her excitement and hopes for international collaborations in bio-sector and KET in her interview 

Pierre Monsan shares more bioeconomy insights at the #BIOKET conference.

One of the speakers at BIOKET was our own Filippo Martinelli, operations manager at PNO Innovation.Discussing the ‘analysis and opportunities of Public Private Partnerships and other European initiatives’, Filippo Martinelli expounded his analysis for the H2020 calls available in 2018. He ended his run with some valuable tips and tricks for successful bioeconomy H2020 proposals and for securing a H2020 grant.

Other videos are available for you! View all the interviews on YouTube or visit the dedicated page here: 
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