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Monday, November 21, 2022

PNO at the 5th General Assembly of the INNOMEM Project

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PNO Consultants joined the 5th consortium meeting of the INNOMEM project, held on November 18th, 2022, in Sorrento (Naples, Italy) to explore and discuss the latest progresses made towards the development of a sustainable Open Innovation Test Bed to foster deployment and scale-up of innovative nano-enabled membranes and their derived products.

For the project, PNO is in charge of the WP4 Validation of the SEP: set up of open calls, T7.2 Design and maintenance of the INNOMEM website and marketing positioning and T7.3 Commercialization roadmap for the showcases and democases results. Our consultants shared with the whole consortium all the progresses achieved in last six months and the steps planned for the future.

Want to discover more about INNOMEM?
Visit the project website
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