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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Project NANOMEMC2: 2nd EU-South Korea joint workshop on CCS

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The second EU-South Korea joint workshop on “New generation high-efficiency capture processes” will be held in Jeju Island (South Korea) on January 2018 within the 8th Korea CCUS International Conference (24-26 January, 2017 Jeju, KR).

The workshop will involve European and South Korean partners from NanoMEMC2GRAMOFON and ROLINCAP projects, all funded by EC in the framework of Topic LCE-24-2016 “International Cooperation with South Korea on new generation high-efficiency capture processes”, and will focus on possible twinning activities as well as further collaborations between South Korea and European Countries in the field of CCUS.

The workshop will start in the morning of Wednesday January 24th with a closed session among different project partners focused on ongoing projects and collaboration. It will then continue in the afternoon with an open session which will allow the project to disseminate their results to a wider audience. Keynote speakers from European DG RTD and Korean KCRC will present current development in the field of CCUS in both South Korea and Europe too.

A more detailed program will be available soon at the conference website.

Read more about the NANOMEMC2 on the project website!

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