On May 14, 2019, a collaboration agreement was signed between the railroad Railgrup and the international consultancy PNO Innovation to promote cooperation between the different agents of the railway world in Spain and to promote railway technological innovation.
Railgrup aims to promote the development of the rail sector in Spain at all levels and to enhance the global competitiveness of its members. PNO on the other hand is a leader in innovation and public financing services with more than 35 years of experience in the generation of European projects.
This agreement provides the basis for collaboration in activities related to innovation and technological development in the railway sector with the intention of bringing Spanish competences from the sector to the European market. The collaboration will consist in the identification of funding opportunities in Europe for the innovative projects of the cluster, as well as its members that represent the highest level of the innovative stakeholders in the railway sector in Spain.
Likewise, specialized seminars, outreach events and workshops will be organized to analyze the possibilities of participation in European funding programs such as Horizon 2020 and Shift2Rail and help generate new innovative ideas. Ignasi Gómez Belinchon, Manager of Railgrup, is convinced that this alliance will reinforce the participation of its partners in European projects. Paolo Salvatore, Director of PNO Innovation, considers that this collaboration is a step towards a new model of open innovation and marks the beginning of a closer collaboration stage with the Spanish railway industry.
For further information, please contact Jeanett Bolther at Jeanett.Bolther@pnoconsultants.com