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Friday, September 9, 2011

Road freight transport - Commission asks a group of "wise men" to review the state of the internal market

<p>Siim Kallas, the Commissioner responsible for transport ,has set up a High-Level&nbsp;Group to review the state of the European Union&%23039;s internal market in road freight&nbsp;transport. The High Level Group, which met for the first time on 27 June 2011, will&nbsp;assess the level of harmonisation of the rules in the fields of social and safety&nbsp;legislation, enforcement and road user charges in order to advise the Commission&nbsp;before any decision on further opening of domestic road transport markets, including&nbsp;further liberalisation of cabotage.</p> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: %23749715; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: %23800080;">MORE INFO</span></span></a></strong></p>
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