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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Towards commercialisation of the REE4EU technology

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First results on the environmental foot-print and preliminary economic assessment of the REE4EU technology were presented to relevant stakeholders in the REE4EU workshop that was held in Brussels 24th April 2019.

The objectives of the exploitation workshop were twofold:

  • To present the REE4EU recovery technology and results, including the technological aspects, the environmental foot-print and preliminary economic assessment.
  • To discuss the possibilities of bringing the REE4EU technology to the market

The Consortium has the pleasure to welcome several industrial actors world-wide interested in the rare earth-based permanent magnets value chain, as well as relevant stakeholders from the EU-Commission, i.e. EASME, SPIRE, DG-GROW.

Moreover, members of the Advisory Board, i.e. Professor Toru Okabe from the University of Tokyo, European Recycling Platform, and the EIT Raw Materials assisted in the audience and had the chance to evaluate the outcomes of the project so far.

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