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Project name:

HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17: Two Slovenian research organizations and a company are looking for partners with hydrogen expertise

Status: In Preparation
Creation date: 18-11-2021

Project objectives:


Two research organizations and hydrogen peroxide producer from Slovenia are looking for partners with hydrogen expertise (electrolysis, burners, engineering and demo sites) to jointly apply to HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17 in order to establish hydrogen peroxide production pilot/demo industrial site.


Call HORIZON-CL4-2022-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-17 requires to address the following aspects:
- Redesign of the heating process for the use of hydrogen as the sole heating fuel, including redimensioning and adjustments of the combustion system, conductive zone of the furnace or the (off-)gas system, plus possible measures to minimise nitrogen oxide emissions;
- Modification of the heating equipment and infrastructure required for the use of hydrogen, e.g., new burners and hydrogen compatible equipment materials;
- Development of an oxygen or oxygen-enriched air combustion process that replaces an air combustion process, considering the energy and cost efficiency of the process;
- Integration of measurement and control instrumentation for detection and regulation of fuel gas characteristics and flows;
- Proven economic viability, which will be impacted by several parameters, in comparison with other heating alternatives.

The subject of collaboration is the scalable sustainable process for hydrogen peroxide production, a goal is to develop a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7 sub-sized prototype process, while the integration of hydrogen could be to combustion, as well as directly to production, so as to benchmark operation.

Hydrogen peroxide production can be considered as one of 2–3 demos, which are to be expected to be covered within the framework of proposal, whereas comparative technological advantage to be assessed is the use of (a part of) hydrogen directly as a reactant, adding up to the potential of mere fuel replacement, which will be demonstrated.

The present team consists of:
1. A Slovenian public research organization with the expertise in materials, characterisation and engineering, whereas its contributing role is flexible considering the rest of consortium, as well as roles missing.
2. A Slovenian research organization with expertise in control systems, modelling of production processes, process automation and electrical engineering.
3. A large Slovenian producer of hydrogen peroxide

The coordination by one of the current team member is possible, but it will be priority to partner up with entities, already having leadership established.

The team is in contact with other relevant stakeholders of whole downstream/upstream value chain. Industrial company partner (an export-oriented renowned producer of hydrogen peroxide products) is strongly motivated for this emerging kind of technology to be able to provide a future carbon dioxide neutral production on site or at customers, providing engineering or services.

The team is looking for following partners:
- The partners with (high TRL) hydrogen expertise: electrolysis, burners, engineering...
- Other demo sites, interested to partner up, setting up a consortium
- Potential hydrogen community stakeholders, interested to take on coordination

The team is looking forward to cooperate with the partners or a consortium on this specific topic, whereas the options of collaboration are flexible – ideally, Slovenian prototype process would be one of many, coordinated in orchestra, while the lead is not yet irrevocably selected.

Advantages & innovations

Hydrogen peroxide production relies exclusively on hydrogen/oxygen as feedstock, whereas presently, hydrogen is provided from natural gas reforming, consuming 30–40% methane for combustion alone. Electrolysis can thus be interfaced with reforming itself or even, a step further, be plugged to peroxide producing reactor, which is proposed to be assessed.

Stage of development

Proposal under development

Contact/ source: Enterprise Europe Network (