Project objectives:
Short summary
An Italian startup in the energy management field has launched its blockchain protocol for the monitoring and validation of energy expected results.The certified protocol can acquire the energy results through certified and validated meters, certifying their correctness, transmission and archiving and guarantees the immutability of the data over time.A commercial agreement with technical assistance will be proposed to public or private companies, involved in smart or energy performance contracts
Full description
The proposer is an Italian innovative commercial engineering start up, working within the energy efficiency, design and technological development fields. Thanks to the know-how of its business partners, technical managers (all certified energy management experts) and collaborators, it offers to its private and public costumers a support in techno-economic activities for the planning and realization of efficiency energy measures. Since 2019 it has been working in Italy as energy efficiency services provider to public and private entities. Its point of strength is to work on different contexts and environments such as airports, hospitals, museums, public offices, cultural heritage, industries and so on, in order to reduce energy consumption of the building system, providing a better level of performances, together with economic and environmental benefits. The company have a large portfolio of projects, every of which is developed case by case, in order to find the best performance solution, according to specific needs of the client. The company. also provides energy management services to about 50 municipalities and 20 private companies in order to analyse, monitoring and improving their energy consumptions. The company is also active in promoting of sustainable energy and climate action plans, renewable energy communities and electric mobility in Italy. The company has recently developed its network in Emirates, taking part as expositor at the Big 5 Exhibition in Dubai, achieving a lot of interest about its services. Company's mission is to promote strong innovation and growth in the public and private infrastructure sector, using a technological approach based on energy efficiency measures. Starting from its longstanding experience in the energy efficiency sector, the company has launched an innovative product/service able to guarantee the monitoring and management of energy expected results, using the blockchain technology. It is a certified protocol capable of acquiring the energy monitoring results through certified and validated meters, certifying their correctness, transmission and archiving, and guarantees the immutability of the data over time. The energy efficiency field is characterized by several and complex contractual procedures, many risk factors, and the inability of the owner to verify the performance before all payments are made. From many years of specific experience in the energy efficiency sector, the need has emerged to create a product capable of having an approach that involves both the financial and technical spheres to ensure monitoring and management of expected results. The Company, in its highest development phase, is interested in promoting its expertise abroad, offering its innovative product customized for each Client needs and also providing technical assistance and Energy Management services through a commercial agreement with technical assistance aimed to a longlasting cooperation.
Advantages and innovations
The offered product. allows transparent and objective approach to energy efficiency, as it can certify and univocally interface the technical reporting (reduction of consumptions) with the economic one (reduction of costs), through an automated process based on the SHA512 HASH algorithm. The product blockchain technology permits to: - certify the data that are protected by encryption. - guarantee any client the possibility to check constantly the status of their investment; - ensure the expected result over time; - guarantee all stakeholders through a reliable and unchangeable data storage system; - eliminate the corruption risk due to the total lack of questionability in the management of existing contracts. All of this allow to monitor both the status of the investment and the expected energy performances result over time, in the interest of all involved stakeholders. It takes application in Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), Smart Contracts and in every case in which a certified energy measurement is required. One of the most important application of the product. is in the Management of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs): to ensure continuous monitoring and improvement of Energy Community performances and the proper allocation of incentives to each member
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