Short summary
The French company offers 2 complementary services for all sectors involving humans through commercial agreement with technical assistance. Firstly, software solution designed by & for researchers, to develop and run scenarios and protocols in cave/VR, synchronize and extract data (physiology, brain and behavior). Secondly, neuroscience expertise to assess key neuropsychological characteristics of partners' most crucial personnel (stress, memory, fatigue, etc.), directly in the field if needed.
Full description
New scientific discoveries take a long time to get from the lab to the real world. How much time is lost by not using the last decades of neuroscience knowledge ? In particular, all these new criteria to determine when and how intense stress will make us lose skills and performance ? After 6 years of R&D, this French team of neuroscientists, researchers, doctors and engineers has come up with a solution to these two problems : 1- Their software for their clients' specialists : Accelerating neuroscientific transfer with a software solution that simplifies the creation, execution and analysis of scientific protocols. It opens the doors for VR/cave experiments. Created for specialists such as researchers and hospitals, the solution is easy to use (no code, no cloud) and open to all types of data acquisition toolkits. This software is already used by researchers in academia and in clinical trials. 2- Clients can externalize their R&D with this neuroscience expertise : based on clients' needs the French company asses for them the neuropsychological features (stress, memory, mental workload, pre burn-out evaluation) of their team’ key elements, by using the best available scientific knowledge. The company offers sets of protocoles that can be run on site, in the clients' offices or even in extreme environments or high intensity fields. The range of partners and clients who trust the French company is from the automotive and aeronautic industry (Airbus, ESA) to the defense fields (part of French GICAT - GENERATE program), research and health (clinical trials ongoing), the neuromarketing and industry (office work stress evaluation), up to humanitarian refugees help (development of pre-diagnosis tools during crisis).
Advantages and innovations
- Easy to master software solution for specialists, researchers and clinicians, no-code to develop 3D/VR/cave protocols, fast development, proprietary data, no cloud.
- The company is a technological integrator, with its sets of solutions allowing to combine all kinds of technologies to investigate human behaviors based on neurophysiological measurements.
- The company is a scientific integrator, gathering and opening the neuroscientific knowledge to its partners and clients.
- The company is a scientific hub, developing and managing consortium of the most renown neuroscience specialists, to fit the very specific needs of its partners
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