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Project name:

Safeguarding Biodiversity Prior to the Installation of Electric Distribution Assets

Status: Idea
Creation date: 11-07-2022

Project objectives:

Enel Grids is looking for collaboration partners to provide an innovative approach that will respect biodiversity when developing new assets (installation of overhead electrical lines and/or substations).


We are looking for an innovative solution to minimize the impact on biodiversity and also to protect it (i.e., habitat recovery, reforestation and the reintroduction of species) in all phases (from design to construction). We are seeking a working/operative perspective that can be tailored for use in different geographical areas to:

  • Identify practices and solutions (including technological) to map local species and habitats to be protected from the very first phase of the asset project.
  • Detect the smartest solution in order to actively reduce/mitigate/offset the involvement and, in a concrete way, in order to protect biodiversity, thereby obtaining benefits for the surrounding environment. For example, in the case of a 10 km overhead line construction, we are looking for a solution that can minimize as much as possible the effect on biodiversity and, in the case of residual impact, the best solution to offset in the surrounding area (i.e., optimizing land occupancy).
  • Define a set of solutions to be applied if and when a forestry habitat is impacted.



Solutions must:

  • Have a concrete/operating solution to be implemented to protect biodiversity and/or offset with proximity criteria for new assets (overhead HV/MV lines + substations) with particular reference to the countries where Enel operates (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Iberia, Italy, Peru and Romania)
  • Have a range of standardized solutions related to our main habitats (rural, forest) to be applied each time a new asset is designed/constructed
  • Only consider overhead lines

We would also like to see:

  • customized solutions based on different areas (species, vegetations, habitats)
  • suitable key performance indicators (KPIs) for the benefits



The submitted proposal should contain two parts:

1.       Collaboration Proposal including:

a. A technical description of a solution with an explanation of how the Solver proposes to address all of the Solution Requirements. The Solver can withhold proprietary details, if necessary, but should provide convincing evidence that will enable Enel Grids to appreciate the merits of the approach and conduct a feasibility study.

b. A brief discussion of the capabilities and relevant expertise for executing the proposed solution. The Solvers should explain what they can provide and what might be required from the Seeker. For example: “I can construct a prototype, but I would need the Seeker to help with scale up and distribution”;

c. An overview of the proposed path forward (inputs, outputs, timelines and cost estimates);

d. Data, patent, journal references, or any additional material that supports the proposed solution.

2.       General Information about the Solver including:

a. The key contact person for this Challenge (including phone number and email address).

b. Organization/Company/University name and address (including website, if available). NOTE: For most Challenges, Solvers are not allowed to include personal contact information; however, for an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP ) Challenge like this, it is required.


NOTE: Only proposals from Solvers who have the ability to work as a collaboration partner will be considered.

Contact / source: No Net Biodiversity Loss | Open Innovability (