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Project name:

Spanish energy solutions development company offers its photovoltaic bifacial solar system technology for partners willing to collaborate under research cooperation or commercial with technical assistance agreements.

Status: Idea
Creation date: 04-11-2022

Project objectives:

Short summary A Spanish based SME has developed a new bifacial photovoltaic (PV) system to increase the energy yield of PV installations, enhancing power generation profile and better electricity demand response minimizing the use of batteries. The technology provider is interested in collaborations with solar industry agents under research or commercial with technical assistance partnerships.

Full description The Spanish SME, specialized in research, design and manufacturing of new photovoltaic systems, was founded by a team of scientist from the Spanish National Research Council CSIC. With a well balanced team of researchers, business developers and business managers, the company has completed the development of its Vecthor (Vertical Collector with horizontal reflectors) solution. With a patented design, their system maintains optimal irradiance on solar panels, decreasing weather or climate changes interferences, without the use of moving parts of trackers. Research cooperation or commercial with technical assistance agreements are offered to partners willing to collaborate in joint innovation opportunities.

Advantages and innovations The new photovoltaic system technology innovation, is based on the use of optically engineered reflectors and vertical bifacial solar panels. The configuration of the different elements optimizes the solar energy production curve, producing more power during winter times, early morning and late afternoon stages or cloudy days. Their Vertical Collector with horizontal reflectors technology, combines the advantages of Fixed tilt and tracker technologies, offering improved performance, and increasing yields producing more energy when most needed, allowing to have more energy during the daily hours when its more needed. Their sytem advantages provides: Up to 23% higher energy yield (experimental measures confirmed). Lower energy cost, higher return on investment. Increased production when most valuable: • Cloud days • Winter sunny days • Early morning and late afternoon. Better energy production management integration: *Favoring management conditions and reducing renewable energy curtailment effects. *Reducing needs for energy storage. Less maintenance and longer sevice life-time: • No moving parts. • Less UV exposure, less encapsulant degradation. • Reduced cleaning needs (vertical solar panels) • Reduced risk of hail damage Mitigating climate change by reducing heat island effect.

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought Partners (manufacturers, Technology developers, distributors) with activity knowledge or expertise in optics, solar energy and photovoltaic production, willing to collaborate in cojoint developments or optimization projects for new or existing photovoltaic plants.
Contact / source: NEXT EEN Widgets (